Monday, September 28, 2009

Morrissey Boulevard Office Knocks Patrick Administration

Deval Patrick appears to be losing control of his administration and now the Boston Globe, a.k.a. the Governor’s Morrissey Boulevard office, is becoming more and more critical of Patrick and his lack of leadership.

Yesterday, the Boston Globe ran an editorial saying Governor Patrick seems to distance himself from his appointees and their actions. From the Aloisi/Grabauskas debacle to the latest slip up made by Education Secretary Paul Reville, Governor Patrick does not take ownership or responsibility for that matter for the decisions his administration makes. Being Governor means being Chief Executive of Massachusetts. Governor Patrick has held that title for nearly three years and yet according to the Boston Globe, “he hasn’t gotten the hang of his job yet.” Well, the people of Massachusetts can’t wait anymore. They want leadership and a sound decision maker, two things Governor Patrick is not. Governor Patrick has a little over a year left in office before running for re-election. While one would hope he would get the hang of it by then, his track record leaves a lot to be desired.

Click here to read the editorial in its entirety.