House Democrats who are angry after the discovery of a Sal DiMasi defense fund being paid for by taxpayers have no one to blame but themselves. The Democratic Majority has allowed this to happen by relinquishing power and control to the office of the speaker, and finally the other shoe has dropped. This is nothing more than bitter lawmakers with an axe to grind for layoffs and salary reductions within their staffs.
Some of these members are now claiming to be the victims of the same heavy handed political maneuvers they were once responsible for while serving in leadership under previous Speakers.
If this contingent of Democrats is so worried about transparency and good government, they should have voted in favor of a Republican amendment that was offered last February during the rules debate. The amendment would have ensured that independent auditors have access to all financial records of the house. However, not one Democrat voted in favor of this proposal.
This is a glaring example of one party control run amok.