“I am pleased that the House and Senate have given their ultimate approval to this legislation, which will bring jobs and economic growth to the Commonwealth.
Having been a long-time proponent of expanding gaming in Massachusetts, I believe resort-style casinos and free-standing slot parlors stand to bring both economic growth and development to the state. Not only will the Commonwealth benefit as a whole from the influx of revenue, but residents of the Bay State will benefit from the jobs resulting from the gaming industry establishing itself here. However, we must remain cognizant that by no means is this the “cure-all” to the struggling job climate in Massachusetts. We must remain steadfast in our ongoing efforts to bring long-term employment opportunities to the residents of the Bay State.
I am grateful that many of the strong initiatives passed in the House version of the bill were included in the final compromise. Additionally, I am pleased that Republican-led amendments were largely maintained by the Committee, specifically those aimed at preserving and increasing current local aid levels and fairly and transparently distributing additional infrastructure monies.
I thank Representative Paul Frost and Senator Richard Ross, the House and Senate Republican designees, and the other members of the bi-partisan Conference Committee for their consideration of all proposals and amendments to this piece of legislation.
I look forward to Governor Patrick’s review and ultimately his approval of this effort.”