House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R-North Reading) issued the following statement today in response to Auditor Suzanne Bump’s audit of MassHealth’s residency and income verification practices and procedures:
“The report furnished by State Auditor Suzanne Bump should serve as a wakeup call for Democrats on Beacon Hill who seem intent on raising taxes for Massachusetts’ residents.
According to Auditor Bump’s findings, ‘the financial ramifications of MassHealth not performing effective income eligibility verifications for applicants could have an adverse effect on the Commonwealth’s finances.’ The results of this audit are the latest example of where Governor Patrick has fallen short in ringing out waste and demanding accountability in state spending.
Instead of proceeding with a tax and spend approach to addressing the state’s financial shortcomings- without telling taxpayers until after the November election - maybe Governor Patrick and his Democratic cohorts should first consider eliminating any and all waste, fraud, and abuse in state run programs. The failure to account for millions of dollars annually within a state agency is exactly why the idea of raising taxes should not be on the table."