“I commend Governor Baker for developing a timely and comprehensive
reform package to address the very serious systemic problems that exist at the
Department of Children and Families.
Implementing clear and concise intake policies, reducing caseloads, utilizing
CORI checks and requiring a full review of a family’s prior history with DCF
and the frequency and nature of 911 calls to a household are all crucial to ensuring
that the children entrusted to the state’s care are not placed in harm’s way. The Fiscal Year 2016 budget includes more than
$8 million in additional funding for foster care and clinical support services
for DCF clients compared to Fiscal Year 2015, and the House is scheduled to
appropriate an additional $5 million in a supplemental spending bill this week
to address immediate staffing and training needs at DCF, all of which will help
further the administration’s objectives.
I also want to commend the Service Employees
International Union Local 509 for its willingness to work with the
administration to implement these reforms and ensure their long-term success.
There is much work that still lies
ahead, but the proposal released today will move DCF in the right direction.”
Monday, September 28, 2015
House Minority Leader Brad Jones’ Statement on DCF Reforms Announced by Governor Baker
House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R-North
Reading) issued the following statement today regarding proposed reforms at the
state’s Department of Children and Families released by Governor Baker this
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Rep. Kane Appears on 'Greater Boston'
Hannah Kane (R-Shrewsbury) was a guest on last night’s episode of Greater
Boston, joining host Jim Braude and Senator William Brownsberger (D-Belmont) to
discuss the multiple ballot questions to legalize marijuana that are being eyed
for the 2016 state election. Kane spoke
out against the ballot questions, citing her concerns about the impact
legalization would have on the state’s youth.
can watch the segment in its entirety by playing the video link attached
below. The segment begins at
approximately the 13-minute mark.
Monday, September 21, 2015
House Minority Leader Brad Jones’ Statement on Representative Leah Cole’s Resignation
House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R-North Reading) issued the following statement today regarding Peabody state Representative Leah Cole’s announcement that she will be resigning her House seat effective September 28 to return to practicing nursing full-time:
“Leah Cole has served in the Legislature with distinction
since her arrival on Beacon Hill in 2013. She campaigned on a pledge to
protect the interests of the state’s taxpayers, to promote job creation and to
demand government accountability, and she has delivered on that promise.
As a licensed practical nurse, Leah has first-hand knowledge and personal
insight into how our health care system works, and has actively pursued policy
changes designed to improve the quality of care and lower costs. She has
been a tireless champion for the residents of the Twelfth Essex District, and I
know I speak for all of my colleagues when I wish Leah well as she embarks on
this exciting new chapter in her life.”
Rep. Cole to Resign House Seat Effective Sept. 28

“As many people know, prior to being elected to the House of
Representatives, I was working as a nurse full-time and continued to work as a
nurse part-time after being elected. I decided to get involved in public service
because I wanted to contribute to our state policies and invoke positive
changes, but I never intended for politics to be a life-long career,” said Rep.
Leah Cole.
Cole continued, “It has come to a point where I can no longer
continue to be the State Representative, as well as pursue my passion of
nursing. Though I am deeply grateful for the opportunity I have had to
serve, given to me by the people of Peabody, I have come to the difficult
decision to focus on my nursing career. It has been an honor to represent the
people of Peabody for these past two years, and I have loved working in the
Legislature to deliver on priorities for our district.”
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Rep. Howitt Files Pension Divestment Bill Targeting Companies that Sanction Israel
Representative Steven S. Howitt (R-Seekonk) filed legislation today that would
require the Massachusetts public employee pension system to divest all holdings
from companies that engage in boycotts or other economic sanctions against the
State of Israel.
Howitt’s bill would direct the Pension Reserves Investment Management Board (PRIM)
to contract with an independent third party to develop a list of scrutinized
companies that have engaged in politically-motivated actions designed to penalize,
inflict economic harm, or otherwise restrict commercial relations with the
State of Israel. The PRIM Board would be
required to remove all investments from companies appearing on this list, which
would be created within 90 days of the bill’s passage and subsequently updated
on a quarterly basis.
bill is designed to put companies on notice that if they choose to pursue
anti-Israeli policies, the state of Massachusetts will refuse to be a part of
it and will not allow its pension assets to be used to help finance such
reprehensible actions,” said Representative Howitt. “This will send a clear and unequivocal
message that the Commonwealth in no way condones policies that are detrimental
to the State of Israel or its right to exist.”
divestment bill was filed in response to the so-called BDS movement (boycott,
divestment and sanctions), a pro-Palestinian campaign that seeks to isolate
Israel, both financially and politically.
Similar divestment legislation has been enacted this year in Illinois
and South Carolina, while other states – including New York – have recently filed
their own versions.
Howitt’s bill includes a timeline requiring the PRIM Board to divest 50% of its
assets from scrutinized companies appearing on the list within 6 months, and
100% if its investment holdings within 12 months. Once divestment proceedings are underway, the
PRIM Board must also send letters of recommendation to fund managers
requesting, but not requiring, that they either remove companies with indirect
holdings from the fund, or create similar investment funds that do not include companies
with indirect holdings.
the initial list of scrutinized companies is created, the PRIM Board will have
30 days to file a report with the clerks of the Massachusetts Senate and House
of Representatives. The board will then
be required to file annual reports detailing the most recent scrutinized
companies list, all divested assets, and a list of scrutinized companies the
Commonwealth has yet to divest from at the time of the report’s filing, as well
as updates on the creation of new any funds that exclude indirect holdings.
bill also calls for greater transparency by requiring the PRIM Board to fully disclose,
on a semiannual basis, any decision to end divestment in, or to reinvest in, a
company that previously appeared on the list of scrutinized companies. Written notification must be provided to the
Attorney General’s office, the Senate and House Ways & Means Committees,
and the Joint Committee on Public Service stating the reasons and evidence used
for ending divestment or reinvesting in these companies.
Howitt is currently circulating the bill for additional co-sponsors, and hopes
to draw strong bipartisan support from his colleagues in the Legislature.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
House Minority Leader Brad Jones is Inaugural Guest on ‘State Matters with Matt Muratore’
State Representative Mathew Muratore (R-Plymouth) recently welcomed House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R-North Reading) as his guest on the debut episode of “State Matters with Matt Muratore”. The half-hour show includes an overview of the legislative process, the importance of constituent service, and the role of state government. Representative Jones and Representative Muratore also discuss the problems at the MBTA, the regulatory review process initiated by Governor Charlie Baker, and efforts to combat the state’s opioid crisis.
Matters with Matt Muratore” airs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m.,
1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on PACTV. You can
watch the show in its entirety here or by playing the video link below.
Monday, September 14, 2015
House Minority Leader Brad Jones: Two-Tiered Tax System a Bad Idea for State's Taxpayers
The Boston Globe ran the attached opinion piece by House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R-North Reading) in its Globe North edition on Sunday regarding the “millionaire tax” ballot question proposed for the 2018 state election:
of the potential ballot questions being eyed for the 2018 state election would
replace Massachusetts’ flat tax rate – currently set at 5.15 percent – with a
two-tiered system where taxpayers in a higher income bracket would pay at a
higher rate. Voters have rejected five similar ballot measures in the past,
most recently in 1994.
Fair Share Amendment now being proposed would tax income over $1 million an
additional 4 percent, with the new revenues that would be generated earmarked
for education and transportation.
everyone can agree on the importance of maintaining a quality education system
to prepare our children for college and the workforce. And after last winter’s
historic snowfall ground the MBTA to a virtual halt and stranded thousands of
commuters, there is no doubt that transportation improvements need to be near
the top of the agenda. But there are ways to improve our schools and public
transportation without raising taxes.
residents already face the fourth highest per capita combined state and local
tax burden in the country. Raising the income tax rate for one group of
Massachusetts residents puts us on a slippery slope. How long before we start
imposing higher taxes on other segments of the population and making the state
even more unaffordable?
Massachusetts has a poor track record when it comes to taxes. In 1989, facing a
large budget deficit, the Legislature passed a “temporary” tax increase,
raising the income tax from 5 percent to 5.95 percent. Frustrated voters demanded
relief and sent a clear message by overwhelmingly approving a 2000 ballot
initiative to return the tax rate to 5 percent. Today, 26 years after the
“temporary” tax increase went into effect, taxpayers are still waiting to get
back to the promised 5 percent.
is something else to consider: In 1989, the state budget totaled $12 billion.
Today it stands at $38.1 billion, more than three times the 1989 total.
fact is, Massachusetts does not have a revenue problem; it has a spending
problem. The Legislature needs to practice fiscal restraint by setting
priorities and making sure taxpayer money is being used both efficiently and
cost-effectively, rather than automatically resorting to tax increases.
Friday, September 11, 2015
September 11, 2001: Fourteen Years Later, We Still Remember … And We Will Never Forget
“Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes or in their offices: secretaries, business men and women, military and federal workers, moms and dads, friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge – huge structures collapsing have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong. A great people has been moved to defend a great nation.” – President George W. Bush
House Republican Caucus joins with Americans everywhere today to remember and
honor the victims of the 9/11 attacks. On this somber anniversary, let us also
salute our nation’s troops who are serving overseas to keep America strong and
preserve the many freedoms we enjoy.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Representative Donald Wong Named to Metropolitan Beaches Commission

Created as part of the Fiscal Year 2015 state budget, the Commission
was recently expanded from 19 to 27 members and is responsible for conducting an
annual review of the existing maintenance, operational and infrastructure needs
of the state’s metropolitan beaches. In
addition to identifying any security measures and capital-intensive repairs
necessary to ensure the future recreational use of these beaches, the Commission
is also charged with examining best management practices and alternative funding
sources – including public-private partnerships and nonprofit entities – to
promote improved water quality and beautification efforts.
“Our state beaches are wonderful natural resources, and
Representative Wong is committed to working with the Metropolitan Beaches
Commission to ensure that they are properly maintained and remain fully
accessible for the enjoyment of all residents,” Representative Jones said in
announcing the appointment.
The 18 metropolitan beaches that fall under the purview of
the Commission include: Nahant Beach in Nahant; Red Rock Park, King’s Beach and
Lynn Beach in Lynn; Revere Beach and Short Beach in Revere; Winthrop Beach in
Winthrop; Constitution Beach, Carson Beach, City Point Beach, M Street Beach,
Pleasure Bay, Malibu Beach, Savin Hill Beach, and Tenean Beach in Boston;
Wollaston Beach and Squantum Point Park in Quincy; and Nantasket Beach in Hull.
“I am honored to be appointed to the Commission,”
Representative Wong said. “The
Commonwealth’s beaches are among our most valuable resources and deserve our
strongest efforts to promote improved water quality and to maintain the beaches’
beauty for generations to come.”
In addition to Representative Wong, the Commission is
comprised of 11 other state legislators; 1 member appointed by the Governor or
the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs; 1 member appointed by the
Commissioner of Conservation and Recreation; and 3 members appointed by the
Mayor of Boston, including 1 resident each from East Boston, Dorchester and
South Boston. The Commission also
includes 6 members representing the communities of Lynn, Nahant, Revere,
Winthrop, Quincy and Hull, and 4 members representing the philanthropic,
non-profit, business and academic communities in the Greater Boston area.
The Commission is responsible for holding annual hearings to
solicit testimony from interested stakeholders, including local municipalities,
non-profit organizations, friends’ groups, and business and community leaders. The Commission is also required to file an
annual report containing its recommendations with the Senate and House chairs
of the Joint Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture,
and the clerks of the two legislative branches.
Representative Wong represents the
Ninth Essex District, which includes
portions of Saugus, Lynn and Wakefield.
A former Saugus Town Meeting member and past Chairman of the Saugus
Board of Selectmen, Representative Wong is currently serving his third term in
the Massachusetts Legislature.
Friday, September 4, 2015
Representative Muratore Weighs in on Release of CHIA Health Care Cost Report for 2014
Representative Mathew Muratore (R-Plymouth), a member of
the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing, was interviewed by WWLP-TV State
House Correspondent Tiffany Chan yesterday following the release of a new
report by the Centers for Health Information and Analysis detailing Massachusetts’
health care costs for 2014. The story
and segment that aired last night is posted below.
The cost of health
care is on the rise. The Centers for Health Information and Analysis’ (CHIA) annualreport shows the state spent a whopping $54 billion on health care in
2014. Governor Charlie Baker blames the rocky rollout of the Health Connector
website. One of the governor’s fellow Republicans in the House agrees and doesn’t
think it will be repeated.
“I think it’s a
one time problem with the Health Connector, everyone being put on,
redetermination isn’t being done at MassHealth,” said State Representative
Mathew Muratore (R-Plymouth).
The Health
Connector website wasn’t able to determine whether people qualified for
subsidized health insurance last year. As a result, the state spent more money
to make sure people were covered, if only temporarily.
That wasn’t the
only problem. The spending report found that the cost of prescription drugs is
skyrocketing. Senate President Stan Rosenberg, an Amherst Democrat, wants
to save money by allowing the state to bulk purchase drugs. He said, “We
should be able to take advantage of our buying power by aggregating demand and
negotiating with pharmaceutical companies, bringing down costs.”
recently started to bulk purchase the anti-opioid drug Narcan.
Baker expects that health care spending in 2015 won’t be as high as last
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Representative Gifford Named to Cranberry Industry Revitalization Task Force
House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R-North
Reading) has appointed Representative Susan Williams Gifford (R-Wareham) to a
newly-created task force designed to preserve and strengthen the state’s
cranberry industry.
Representative Gifford, who currently holds the title of Assistant
House Minority Whip, will serve as Representative Jones’ designee on the
Cranberry Industry Revitalization Task Force.
Created as part of the Fiscal Year 2016 state budget, the 18-member task
force will look at ways to promote innovation in the cranberry farming
community while also addressing the impact of increased fixed costs, studying alternative
and renewable energy uses for growers, and investigating the unique geography,
culture and needs of the cranberry industry.
“Cranberry harvesting plays an important role in the Massachusetts
economy, particularly in the Southeastern part of the state, but the industry is
facing a number of challenges,” said Representative Jones. “I am confident Representative Gifford will
do a tremendous job helping the task force come up with both short-term and
long-term solutions to ensure the sustained growth of this vital industry.”
“As a co-sponsor of the legislation that established this
task force I am honored to be Minority Leader Jones’ appointee and look forward
to working toward solutions,” said Rep. Gifford. “This is not just about growing
cranberries but agricultural efficiencies and environmental innovations
focusing on long term goals. Many
growers have struggled to make ends meet for many years and the lack of
alternative options is making matters worse.”
According to a 2014 study of the “Economic Impact of the
North American Cranberry Industry” conducted by researchers at the University
of California, Davis, Massachusetts harvested over 2.1 million bbl (100 lb.
barrels) of cranberries in 2012 alone, or 26% of the U.S. total, making it the
second-largest cranberry-producing state after Wisconsin.
The report (available at http://www.uscranberries.com/Images/News/GeneralFolder/EIReport20140814.pdf) notes that “cranberries are the second-most important
agricultural product in Massachusetts, behind only greenhouse and nursery
products,” and found that the quarter billion dollar cranberry industry in
Massachusetts was responsible for 1,682 jobs and “nearly $50 million in direct
economic activity annually over 2009-2012.”
The task force is due to report back to the Legislature with
its findings and recommendations by February 1, 2016.
Representative Gifford represents the Second Plymouth
District, which consists of the communities of Carver, Wareham, and Precincts 3
and 6 in Middleborough. A member of the
Massachusetts House of Representatives since 2003, she currently serves on the
House Committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling.
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