Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Representative Hannah Kane to Serve on Massachusetts-Ireland Trade Commission

House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R-North Reading) has appointed State Representative Hannah Kane (R-Shrewsbury) to serve as his designee on the newly-established Massachusetts-Ireland Trade Commission.

Created through an outside section of the Fiscal Year 2025 state budget, the Massachusetts-Ireland Trade Commission will fall under the umbrella of the Massachusetts Office of International Trade and Investment (MOITI) within the state’s Executive Office of Economic Development. The new commission will be responsible for evaluating the economic relationship between the Commonwealth and the Republic of Ireland and identifying ways to strengthen those ties.

“Massachusetts has a long-standing historical connection to Ireland dating back to the first wave of Irish immigrants who arrived in Boston during the potato famine of the 1840s,” said Representative Jones. “As a member of the commission, Hannah will work to build on that relationship by promoting mutually beneficial trade and investment opportunities between Massachusetts and Ireland.”

In addition to making recommendations on bilateral trade and investments, the commission will also consider the development of various policy issues, business and academic exchanges, ways to provide mutual economic support, and infrastructure investments between the two governments. The commission will also explore the creation of economic and educational opportunities involving communities in Massachusetts and the Republic of Ireland.

“My great-grandfather left his home in the little village of Fordston in Trim by himself in 1884 at the age of 15 for America, and my family and I have always celebrated our Irish ancestry. I am honored to be a member of the Massachusetts-Ireland Trade Commission and to continue to find ways to strengthen the economic ties and build on the historical relationship between us,” remarked Representative Kane.

In addition to her role on the trade commission, in August of 2023 Representative Kane traveled to Ireland as part of the American Irish State Legislators Caucus to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. The Caucus is designed to foster and strengthen the longstanding relationship between the United States and Ireland, and over 180 state legislators from 44 states attended this gathering. Representative Kane serves as one of the Massachusetts Co-Chairs of the Caucus.

Representative Kane is one of six current or former legislators serving on the 15-member trade commission, which will also include among its members MOITI Executive Director Jeevan Ramapriya and six gubernatorial appointees, three of whom will represent the state’s institutions of higher education and three of whom will be members of public organizations in Massachusetts promoting Irish American affairs. Rounding out the commission membership will be the Secretary of State or their designee, and the Secretary of Economic Development or their designee. 

The commission is required to hold its meetings at geographically diverse locations throughout the state to help facilitate public input. It will be responsible for submitting an annual report on its findings and recommendations for legislation by August 31 to the Governor, the Clerks of the House and Senate, and the chairs of the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Representative Steven S. Howitt Named to Special Legislative Commission Focused on Combatting Antisemitism in Massachusetts

House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R-North Reading) has appointed State Representative Steven S. Howitt (R-Seekonk) to serve on the Special Commission on Combatting Antisemitism in the Commonwealth.

Created through an outside section of the Fiscal Year 2025 state budget, the special commission is tasked with identifying and evaluating current efforts to combat antisemitism in Massachusetts and recommending strategies, programs and legislation to further enhance this goal. In addition to considering potential amendments to the state’s existing hate crimes law, the special commission will also identify best practices in other states and jurisdictions and make recommendations for the implementation of the United States national strategy to counter antisemitism.

According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), there were 440 antisemitic incidents that occurred in Massachusetts in 2023, which represents a 189 percent increase over the number of incidents (152) recorded in the state in 2022. The ADL noted that last year “Massachusetts recorded the fifth-highest number of incidents per state in the country following California (1,266), New York (1,218), New Jersey (830), and Florida (463).” The ADL also cited a “massive spike” in antisemitic incidents both here and across the country following the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.

“The increasing number of assaults and hate crimes targeting Jewish people is alarming and requires a strong response from the Commonwealth to demonstrate that we will not tolerate these acts of harassment and violence,” said Representative Jones. “Steven has been outspoken in his efforts to address antisemitism and will be an invaluable member of the special commission as it works to address this serious problem.”

The 19-member special commission is chaired by Senator John C. Velis (D-Westfield) and Representative Simon Cataldo (D-Concord). The special commission will include representation from the Massachusetts Municipal Association; the Attorney General’s office; the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination; the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education; the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, Inc.; the Massachusetts District Attorneys Association; and the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association Incorporated.

The special commission is due to file a report with its findings and recommendations by November 30.